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30 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan in Sha`ban pdf - e dawah committee books pdf

30 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan in Sha`ban pdf - e dawah committee books pdf

Book Author: E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)
Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee
Year of Publication: 2015
Number of Pages: 6
Book visits: 9124
Book Downloads: 3671
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30 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan in Sha`ban (Shaban Fasting Rules)

To get the best of Ramadan, one needs to prepare well and put the plan before Ramadan knocks the door without being ready to receive it.
It is the month of the year, and the actual loser is the one
who witnesses Ramadan without being forgiven in it as narrated from the Prophet (peace be upon him).

30 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan in Sha'ban pdf Books

To bamboozle Ramadan, one necessities to get ready well and put the arrangement 
before Ramadan thumps the entryway without being prepared to get it. It is the 
month of the year, and the genuine washout is the person who observes Ramadan 
without being pardoned in it as described from the Prophet (harmony be upon
him). The tips beneath examine how to make real and helpful groundwork for 

1-Supplicate Allah to delay your life to go to Ramadan, favor it for you,
acknowledge your great deeds in it and excuse your weaknesses.

2-Make a genuine contrition from all transgressions and detestable deeds, lament them, and
request that Allah help you not to go again to them.

3-Keep away from the wrongdoings that disappoint Allah and cause his Wrath
upon you.

4-Always reestablish your contrition to Allah and your responsibility with Him.

5-Strive to notice the compulsory petitions at their due times in
assembly with the goal that it will be simple for you to forge ahead with this in and later

6-If you are not prone to offer the supererogatory petitions, attempt to
do some of them and continue on to do every one of them.

7-Rectify your expectation, make every one of your activities genuinely to Allah, the
All-powerful, Alone.

8-As the greatest amount of objective of fasting is accomplishing Taqwa (honorableness and dread
of God), work with its acknowledgment by the various method for Taqwa, for example,
recollecting Allah, finding out about the narratives of the prior ages,
consideration on the Qu'ran, contemplating demise and the Hereafter, etc 

9- Abandon TV series and movies that include prohibited scenes.

10- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. use up most of our free time. From now on, give Qur’an, Dhikr, Salah, etc. the greater time to prepare for the month of Qur’an and Salah; Ramadan.

11- Recitation of the Qur’an in Ramadan is the month’s worship, so make
the Qur’an your companion by starting recitation from now and learning the
rules of Tajwid.

12- If you have a missed fast from the former Ramadan, make up for them
in Sha`ban, as Lady `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) used to do.

13- Accustom yourself to long du`aa’ (supplication), memorize some of the
reported supplications of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and remember
that the supplication of the fasting person is accepted.

14- Accustom yourself to long stay in the mosque after each Prayer, in
preparation for i`tikaf in Ramadan.

15- Follow the Prophet’s example in fasting in Sha`ban, as he used to fast
most of the month of Sha`ban. Do not forget that this makes fasting in
Ramadan easy for you.

16-Save some money to give in Sadaqah (charity) in Ramadan and start
from now.

17- Start offering 2 rak`ahs (unit of Prayer) daily and increase the number
from time to time during the night in preparation for tarawih
(supererogatory night prayer in Ramadan).

18- Prepare yourself to make `Umrah in Ramadan, as the Prophet (peace be
upon him) said, “`Umrah in Ramadan equals Hajj with me (in reward).” (Al-

19- Among the best acts in Ramadan is feeding the fasting persons, prepare
yourself for it.

20- Map out your time and put a schedule to commit to it during Ramadan in
order to help you achieve the acts of worship you aim at.

21- Find righteous companions who would assist you in getting closer to

22- If you are a smoker, you should bear in mind that Ramadan is a good
chance for you to quit. Start from now and minimize the number of
cigarettes until you rid yourself of this bad habit that devour your money
and health and incurs the displeasure of God.

23- The month of Ramadan is the month where the Qur’an is revealed. Thus,
it is the best time to memorize the Qur’an. Let’s start from Sha`ban.

24- We all know that people use in Ramadan a lot of the types of food and
drinks, we do not mind this on a condition of avoiding wastefulness. I
suggest that you buy these things in Sha`ban to be free for worship only in

25- Maintain the ties of kinship before the coming of Ramadan and
remember that Allah does not accept the deeds of those who disrupt these

26- Some people simulate poorness despite that they are not so. Thus, find
the actual poor people to be the right place for your Sadaqah.

27- Some people pay their Zakat in Ramadan to take the reward multiplied.

28- Accustom yourself to good manners, because the fasting person is not
expected to react violently or indecently.

29- Bring your youngsters and tell them about the merits of Ramadan and
the virtues of fasting in it so that they prepare themselves for fasting as
much as they can.

30- Congratulate each other with the coming of Ramadan.

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